College Hacks No One Tell You at Orientation

July 14, 2016 Life on Campus 5265 Views
College Hacks No One Tell You at Orientation

When you join college, they have an orientation program meant to guide everyone in freshman year as they adapt to their new environment. The program covers academic and social life especially the rules of conformity to the discipline and culture of the institution. However, there are life hacks to your college life that you’ll never learn at orientation.

Social life on campus

Every institution of higher learning brings together students from different cultures and walks of life. You need to get acquainted with your course mates and make a few friends. Feel free to interact with fellow freshmen while learning about their backgrounds. When you get back to school after a break, take time to bond with your new roommate.

Feeling a bit lonely? There are lots of fraternities, clubs and societies to join during your freshman year. These groups assist you in adjusting to college life while building your social skills.

Explore your campus surroundings

Obviously, the institution occupies a huge chunk of land. There could be a shopping center, mall or town nearby that you won’t know exists until you explore. How do you move around within your college? What’s the distance between your lecture halls, dining area and living quarters? All these questions can only be answered by exploring. Do not forget to visit the library and master its layout and organization.

Your professor is your best friend

In college, the goal is to befriend your professors and tutors. A cordial relationship facilitates learning hence making campus life easier. More so, your professor is your first academic and professional contact. They become the epicenter of your networking circle.

Later in life, you will appreciate the relationship you cultivated with your professors.

Make use of these three tips and you’re guaranteed your freshman year and stay in college will be so much smoother.

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