End-Of-Semester Problems and How to Deal

July 15, 2016 Life on Campus , Study Advice 2091 Views
End-Of-Semester Problems and How to Deal

The end of a college semester can be one of the most stressful times in a student’s life. Not only is there exam pressure to perform, but there’s likely a financial crunch, and not to mention a dilemma of how to spend the break. The worries seem never-ending. Here are 5 common end-of-semester problems with realistic suggestions on how to tackle them.


Going broke!

Lets face it, we’ve all done it- spend money during the semester on expensive things we can’t afford, only to tell ourselves things will figure itself out later. But ‘later’ arrives and nothing seems quite so figured out. If you’ve got money issues, chances are you didn’t budget yourself carefully during the semester. But it’s never too late to begin budgeting.


1.) Try using a budgeting app on your smartphone. There are plenty of apps that link to your debit/credit card which allow you to monitor your account and stay within your budget.


2.) Set a budget for the week and withdraw that amount in cash. This way you won’t touch your plastic money and will know exactly how much you’re spending and how much is leftover.


Overwhelmed with studying

No matter how hard one tries, it’s impossible to remember everything we’ve learned the whole semester. It always feels like there’s too much to study, and not enough time. Studying in itself is huge life skill and it’s important to make sure you are using a studying method that works for you.


1.) Try different ways of studying in various locations: alone, with a friend or with a study group, use flashcards, visit a coffee shop, etc. The main thing to figure out is which way allows you to be most productive.


2.) Make a schedule and give yourself deadlines. That way if there’s something you don’t understand, you can clarify with a teacher or peer while you’re on the subject, rather putting it off and possibly never getting to it.


Lack of motivation

Thoughts of giving up seem so peachy at the end of the semester, but it’s important to remember the effort you put in all semester and push through to the finish line. Naturally it can be easier said than done, so in order to stay on track, give yourself things to look forward to.


1.) Reward yourself! If you accomplish everything on your list of things to do (mental or physical), treat yourself. It doesn’t always have to involve spending money. It could even mean allowing yourself to veg out on the couch and binge watch your favorite T.V. show.


2.) Reflect about why it is that you’re doing what you’re doing. Think about why you took up your program, what your goals are once you complete. Even if your goals have changed from when you first started the year, you’ll always be able to come up with a good reason to complete what you started.


Break-time dilemma and the waiting game

Should you go back home and work at the local grocery store to save up money for next semester, or should you gain experience through an internship so you can get a head start on your career once you graduate. There is no right or wrong answer to this, but the best way to arrive upon a decision is to weigh out the pros and cons and make an informed decision. If you have applied for an internship and have been waiting a while to hear back, it can drive you crazy. Consider a few things before you go stalker on the company, or just plain give up.


1.) If you applied to your internship before the deadline, then depending on when the start date is, wait at least two weeks before you follow up.


2.) Check if the position has a rolling deadline. This can be quite common in cases where companies are flooded with applications. If that’s the case just wait it out. If you think you’ve patiently waited a sufficient amount of time, just politely follow up. Following up can often work to your advantage because it shows the employer you are keen to work with them.


Self neglect

With a hundred and one things going on at once, it can be easy to forget about your physical and mental needs. When these needs are neglected, it largely impacts our well-being. If you feel guilty treating yourself, pick things that are productive and also have a positive impact on our mindset.


1.) Exercise is known to release hormones that relieve stress and elevate the mood. A quick workout is likely to give you the boost needed to tackle your books once again.


2.) When you look good, you feel good. It only takes a few minutes but taking the extra time to look nice will likely make you feel better about yourself, which in turn will give you a positive outlook.


Restlessness is inevitable at the end of a semester but being cranky and behaving defeated is not going to make time go faster. Instead take each day at a time and remember to organize your time and not be so hard on yourself.

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